Hebrew Lessons
Several MLJC members are available for private Hebrew Lessons.
Judy Miller - Children and bar/bat mitzvah prep - Copperopolis & Sonora
Holly Orman - bar/bat mitzvah prep - Murphys - Angels Camp
Gat Slor - Adults & Children - Sonora
Acquire a colleague for study.
Joshua Ben Perahyah
Jewish Studies
Currently the MLJC does not have any classes. However, if members indicate an interest in organizing one, we can always get one going!
If you are willing to travel to the Central Valley, feel free to contact Rabbi Andra or one of the temples listed on this page. Rabbi Andra offers a course, entitled Journey To Judaism, through out the year for those wishing to explore the Jewish faith and culture and is a path toward conversion. Her next class begins October 6, 2015 and meets in Modesto on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30 pm.
The Closest Synogogues
Other Jewish Resources
Camp Tawonga (7 miles from Yosemite)
(415) 543-2267
(415) 546-9902
Jewish Federation of Sacramento
(916) 486-0906
Jewish Federation of San Francisco & Bay Area
(415) 777.0411